[GKrellM Newsticker] |
[Other stuff] |
Status |
GKrellm Newsticker is officially unmaintained now. Actually has been for 4+ years. It's also known to not work with current GKrellM releases. |
Tilman, Sun Apr 29 2007 |
New stuff is in CVS |
I just committed the code I use currently into CVS. Instructions on how to download from CVS are on SF's CVS page.
Please don't send me bug reports at this time. I know there are features missing etc :)
Tilman, Tue May 28 2002 |
Next release |
There'll be a new release of the GKrellM Newsticker plugin soon. I ported the source to the new GKrellM 2 API (which uses GTK 2 instead of GTK 1) and added a lot of new features/improved the code where it was necessary:
- the new code uses libxml2 for RDF file parsing, which means the Newsticker should be compatible with most of the RDF files out there. If there are errors, blame libxml2. Note that Justus Schwartz proposed to use that library, he also wrote the code.
- the thread handling has been greatly improved. Now crashes due to bad thread synchronisation should be all gone. This also means some changes to the RDF sources list are delayed, but IMHO it's a good trade.
- problems with the proxy code were cleaned up
- LED's are now in an own panel, which can be switched on and off (no more theme problems)
Maybe I'll make the code accessable by CVS, too, so those of you who are running GKrellM 2 preX can enjoy the 'ticker, too :)
I want to wait until Bill Wilson releases GKrellM 2 final, before I release the new code. This time, I also want to extensively test the code to squash as many bugs as possible. Chances are good you finally get a stable GKrellM Newsticker.
Tilman, Mon May 27 2002 |
Sorry, folks! |
I'm sorry this is the first update after so many weeks :/
Next I have to apologize to the 2 guys sending me mail months ago, I had trouble with my mailbox.
Finally, I have a list containing RDF sources ready for you, which you can easily import it into GKrellM-Newsticker. This list was originally exported from KNewsticker by Zaphod-B, I reformated it so the plugin can read it. |
Trillian, Wed Apr 10 2002 |
A new beginning =) |
I have moved this paged to SourceForge (thanks for hosting :)) - please update your bookmarks =) |
Trillian, Sat Jan 26 2002 |
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